Proactive maintenance on your homes roof can avoid a roof breakdown.
Most people do the common and necessary maintenance of changing the oil in their vehicles. This is often times due to the the annoying dash light most cars have that alerts you the oil change is due and wont shut off until you take care of it.
However, when it comes to your roof, the maintenance light turns on when water shows up inside your house and your roof has broken down. Thankfully, a little proactive maintenance can help avoid a roof break down.
We recommend checking on your roof to be proactive and avoid a roof breakdown. Below are common time frames each roof could last until it’ll needs some maintenance.
Foam Roof: When the coating is about 4 years old. If you have a lot of debris falling on your roof, clean and inspect once per year.
Tile Roof: When the underlayment is 10 – 15 years old, all depends upon the system installed though.
Shingle Roof: When the shingles are 10-15 years old, all depends upon the system installed though.
Modified Bitumen/Rolled Roof: When the roof is 10-15 years old, all depends upon the system installed though.
Metal Roof: 15 years for exposed fastener roof. 40 years for concealed fastener roof.
Each situation is different and results may vary due to many variables but this is a good reference to start with. If you dont know the age or condition of your roof but suspect it could be near it’s end of life, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.